You thought this was a knitblog didn’t you? Well to be honest, it never began as one… back in 2001… on a different blog/server/name. But when I started getting back into knitting properly… I think it was mid-2005, and then strongly in late-2006, the blog sort of converted. It was very organic.

So I know it’s been a looooong time since I’ve posted anything about knitting, so here is something: I’m working on a gift. {everyone groans and rolls their eyes} But I don’t think the recipient reads the blog, or if she does, she won’t know this is for her. So here is it:

Partway done… does it look like a Penguin? Before I put the wings on, it looked like a Snowman.

It’s from Jean Greenhowe’s Knitted Animals.

If you look at the arms in this photo of the pattern – the Penguin is supposed to have different wings. Now look up at the duck wings on the cover of the Pattern Book, Yep… I used duck arms on Penguin.