So, as I mentioned in my 2008 wrap-up / welcome 2009 post, I didn’t knit my mom the lace stole. However, whenever I wear my knitting hat, earwarmers, or scarf… she likes to say, “ooh, I’d look good in that!” So here is the progress on the fetching-inspired hat:


The photo was taken at The Grind coffee shop earlier today. I joined in for the Terminal City Yarn Wranglers (Ravelry) knitting group. It’s about time I dragged my ass out of bed before noon and made it down there, especially since I’m one of the organizers of the group! Haha. And before I came to write this blog post, I went and measured my mom’s head, and then my head (to compare). She was like, “are you measuring me for a hat?” and I told her no, I was calculating her brain power based on the circumference of her cranium… I think I threw her off the scent!

Yesterday I decided to head to my LYS, Three Bags Full, for their New Year Sale. It was absolute madness in there! The line-up started at the door, wound all the way around the store, and bottlenecked at the cash register. There is only one register (common for an LYS, but during a sale?) and all the yarn is entered manually (ikes!). I waited for like 40 minutes holding some 40% off Cascade Eco Wool thinking, “I don’t really neeeeed this… is it worth my time to be here for at least another hour?” So I left. I’ve spoken to some other people (on Ravelry) and they all agree that the savings (sometimes only 15% or 20%) were not worth 3 hours in a line-up. Although I must say that the staff were absolutely amazing. Constantly restocking, checking dye lots for customers, and because we couldn’t get out of the store-wide lineup, they were shuttling around saying, “can I get you anything?”