For Christmas a couple years ago, I made my dad felt clogs from the Fibre Trend pattern. They were freaking monsters! Check out my Ravelry project page to see a picture of them with my cat for size. Well according to my mom, when he opened them on Christmas morning, he was so excited and Ooh-ing and Ahh-ing. Then he put them on and basically has worn them every day since. Awww!
I used plastic paint intended for tool handles to add traction to the bottom. Here is a picture of them from my post back in October 2007:
Wow! How time flies. I could have sworn I made those for him last Christmas… but the blog archives don’t lie! Here are some photos of the bottoms of the clogs two years (!!) later:
I have seamed them up and darned the holes as damage control. It’s not pretty, but it should hold:
Also, dad is going to get more of the plasti-dip paint to reinforce the bottoms. I am planning to make him a new pair for his birthday in April (not enough time for this Christmas). He’s requested navy this time, and I’m going to get the suede-bottoms that Fiber Trends sells to reinforce them. Let’s hope this pair can last until the next pair is done in April!!
October 5, 2009 at 1:02 am
You so don’t need patches from FT! Try Dressew or even Urban Source :D
October 5, 2009 at 3:08 am
Awww! Doesn’t it warm your heart though that you made him something he loves so much! I’m touched!
October 5, 2009 at 5:22 am
He really loved them you can see that:) Hugs Darcy
October 5, 2009 at 5:35 am
That’s awesome. Nothing warms the heart like a knitted gift loved almost to pieces.
October 5, 2009 at 9:11 am
How sweet that he has loved then to death! They’re a quick knit, you could do Christmas….even for ‘monsters’! Repeat after me, “I can do it!”….repeat as needed. :-)