Socks that RockQuestion for the knitters out there: Are you often indecisive when it comes to a project? Even when you’re over the halfway point? That is what happened to me with my Argante shawl (yarn: Socks that Rock).

I was loving the colours in the skein… look at this gorgeousness! And I was doing fine deciphering the lacy shawl bits.

Then recently I looked at it and wasn’t crazy about how the yarn was working up. Besides being a variegated yarn, there were two things that were bothering me.

Argante shawl hibernating

(1) This odd pooling section. I liked the green and yellow pooling, but the dark burgundy with the hot pink looked too similar. (2) This shawl is composed in 6 sections and between section 2 and 3 there is this odd line created by knitting short rows. If the yarn wasn’t so variegated I don’t think it would be as noticeable.

So, now the shawl is hibernating. Also, I think the Socks that Rock would be so gorgeous as one of Gladys’ pooling stoles!

Unwind Yarns — Throwing Sheep Into Rainbows

I decided to cast on for Gaenor (Argante’s sister) with my skein of Unwind Yarns that I got at Gibson’s this summer. I also have been meaning to make fingerless gloves, and with the window draft at the office, I need to make them fast! I’m using a skein of Mirasol Hacho and just using a basic fingerless glove pattern (since the yarn is so busy). [Ravelry project page]