No, I have no knitting to show. But I do have lovely lovely yarns. Non-yarnies, look away now. Yarn-a-holics, grab a towel, you might drool.
First up, my package from The Loopy Ewe:
I decided to see what all the fuss was about and ordered some Madelinetosh and Sanguine Gryphon. Here are the close-up shots:

The Sanguine Gryphone - Skinny Bugga! Colourway: Blue Stink Bug

Madelinetosh - Tosh Sock. Colourway: Turquoise
Now, for a few weeks I’ve been stalking the updates for Wollmeise. I fell in love with this colourway “Am kalten Polar” which translates (from German) to “in the cold arctic” with colours of teal, blue, and cranberry. Beautiful.
After a few updates, some local knitters (who are also Wollmeise die-hards) suggested I get a blue grab-bag and maybe it would be in there. They said there are so many colourways, that I should just buy something from the “in stock” page and trade it on Ravelry later.
I ended up buying a skein of 100% in the colourway “Petit Poison Nr.5” which arrived this week. It came with some European gummy bears (which I’ve had in England before) and a glove pattern called Knotty.
Oh, and I also have a “Turquoise” grab bag (1 skein) on the way. I’m curious to see what it is!
Here’s a colour close-up of Petit Poison Nr.5 (dark):

Wollmeise - Twin 100% Superwash. Colourway: Petit Poison Nr. 5 (dark)
Next up, is the yarn from Circle Craft Christmas Market. I will be doing a post dedicated to the goodies I bought at Circle Craft this year, but I decided to group all the yarn together.
I was chatting with Carmen of MelonHead Knitwear and decided to try on a slouchy hat. I had been planning on buying some yarn anyway that Carmen cards, spins, and dyes herself. But LOW AND BEHOLD the hat actually looked good on me. Hats never look good on me. My ears are always sticky-outy and my hair is weird under them since it’s so long. But this looked really good.
I picked up a skein of thick-n-thins in this gorgeous purple-fushia colour. The hat I tried on had been a green sea foam colour, and I mentioned that blue is more “me”. Carmen said she had a skein of blue that she would bring the following day for me and I got her to put the fushia skein aside. The next day we stood chatting over the yarn and she was trying to convince me to take the blue over the fushia… but I couldn’t do it. I had my heart set on both.
I was also hoping to get a skein from Indigo Moon when the other knitters came to Circle Craft on Friday night. She had a sale “Buy 4 get the 5th free” and I was thinking 4 other people might each want to buy one skein together. No such luck… and I wasn’t crazy enough about anything to purchase it alone (especially after my other Circle Craft purchases!)
November 22, 2010 at 12:20 am
The yarn is all yummy….now waiting with aniticipation to see what it grows up to be.
November 22, 2010 at 7:12 am
Wow. Some great stash building going on there!
November 22, 2010 at 10:50 am
Lovely colours!
November 22, 2010 at 8:56 pm
Super yummy yarnz! Have you cast on your hat yet? ;)
November 26, 2010 at 3:05 pm
I love Skinny Bugga. It’s a very nummy yarn. :)
December 21, 2010 at 2:57 pm
Super yummy yarnz! Have you cast on your hat yet? ;)
December 21, 2010 at 7:26 pm
Wow. Some great stash building going on there!
December 23, 2010 at 2:56 pm
Super yummy yarnz! Have you cast on your hat yet? ;)