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Category Audience Participation

Challenges, KALs (knit-alongs), blog-a-thons, swaps, memes, read-alongs, and more

You Are So Very Beautiful – Vancouver Edition Wrap-up

The Vancouver Edition of the You Are So Very Beautiful Project took place on Sunday, February 7, and it went fantastically. It was a small gathering, but I know that the few people who joined me were really receptive. I… Continue Reading →

“You Are So Very Beautiful” Project—Vancouver Edition

Update: I have made a Facebook event for the Vancouver Edition art drop. I recently read about the You Are So Very Beautiful Project, having admired and followed Betsy Greer‘s craftivism work for many years. For those unfamiliar with the… Continue Reading →

Celebrating Love in Literature with 49th Shelf

In celebration of Hallmark Day Valentine’s Day, 49th Shelf is crowd-sourcing a list of Books that Feel The Love. They write, “we are highlighting a list of books that celebrate love in whichever way you define it—hot, passionate, blinding love;… Continue Reading →

Cherry Blossom Yarn Bombing Prep

A couple months ago I saw a tweet from Leanne Prain, one of the authors of the book Yarn Bombing: The Art of Knit and Crochet Graffiti. The tweet linked to the yarn bombing website and said they were organizing… Continue Reading →

Canada Reads 2011 Recommendations

Canada Reads will be celebrating it’s 10th anniversary in 2010/2011 and have decided to change things up a bit. Before, Canada Reads picked five Canadian public figures and had them champion books for a week-long debate in February. The books… Continue Reading →

Knitted Snakeys for Charity

I’ve mentioned several times that Henry is a yarn snob, so I knit him a new snakey out of 100% wool scraps (Cascade 220). Once I finished his snakey, I moved on to the three snakes I’ve committed to knit… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald

I know this post should have gone up sooner since the debates for Canada Reads begin today… but I procrastinated reading Fall On Your Knees and procrastinating writing this review. Why did I procrastinate? Tammy kept saying, “It’s so depressing,… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Generation X by Douglas Coupland

Honestly, I don’t get what the big deal is about Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. Although I found the writing witty I didn’t really get the point. Besides “understanding” the generation and telling these 20-somethings’ story, what was… Continue Reading →

Knitted Kitty, Sleeping Cowl

As you may know, Henry is a yarn snob. He only fondles fibres with 100% natural content. Therefore, I believed my cowl being knit with Nashua Ivy (50% alpaca, 45% merino, 5% synthetic) was safe. I thought wrong: Fortunately he… Continue Reading →

Canada Reads Indie & Canada Also Reads

Some people have been disappointed with the Canada Reads 2010 list. Reasons include the authors/publishers/books being too well-known already. There are two new grassroots challenges called Canada Reads Independently and Canada Also Reads which aim to shed light on the… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Nikolski by Nicholas Dickner

Initially I was apprehensive about Nikolski, written by Nicholas Dickner, because it was translated from French. Translations can go one of two ways and I was worried that a lot would be lost in translation. However, I was pleasantly surprised… Continue Reading →

Freedom to Read Week is February 21-27, 2010

Last year when I posted about Canada’s Freedom to Read Week, I was trying to read The Handmaiden’s Tale by Margaret Atwood and/or Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov as part of the challenge. Unfortunately, I haven’t read either book as I… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy

The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy will be defended by Samantha Nutt during Canada Reads 2010. I finished this book several weeks ago but wanted to wait until after I met with our book club to discuss it. I missed… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Good to a Fault by Marina Endicott

Good to a Fault by Marina Endicott is one of the contending titles for Canada Reads 2010. The Canada Reads website has my favourite synopsis: Marina Endicott’s compelling novel Good to a Fault begins with a bang — two cars… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Kim by Rudyard Kipling

I opted to read this book as part of My Friend Amy’s Newsweek Challenge. Basically Newsweek came up with a list of “50 Books for Our Times”, so a bunch of us (close to 100 book bloggers) decided to each… Continue Reading →

Canada Reads 2010

The booklist for Canada Reads 2010 has been announced. You may recall last year I mentioned Canada Reads when I posted my review of The Book Of Negroes by Lawrence Hill. It was a fantastic book and won Canada Reads… Continue Reading →

50 Books for our Time…?

Newsweek had a list of “50 Books of our Time” on June 27th, 2009. Some of them I’ve heard of, some of the authors I’ve never heard of… so when Amy proposed the question on Twitter: “Are these books of… Continue Reading →

Henry + Dewey = Identical!

When I got the book, Dewey, I promptly put it on the floor to introduce Henry to his twin. The photo on the cover of Dewey is the cat himself when he was just under a year old (according to… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Forage by Rita Wong

To be honest, I’m not much one for current poetry. I’m more into the 17th century literature poetry… but Rita Wong is a good writer. Some of the poems I had trouble following, but several of them are responses to… Continue Reading →

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