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Category Knitting

Small Head or Big Knit?

I finished Calorimetry…. Okay so I know that the pattern said gauge was important… and I know that I didn’t swatch, but what I want to know is HOW BIG IS THE MODEL’S HEAD!? I cast on LESS stitches than… Continue Reading →

Almost FO

Despite Henry’s “help” with Calorimetry [pattern link], I’m nearly done. I lovelovelove the colour, and as I’ve mentioned before, I adore the Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Dyed Cotton! Yum! Hopefully I’ll finish it off during Birthday Knitting with Julia at… Continue Reading →

Pathetic Progress

No one said my WIP knitting had to be good progress. So I cast on… and I hate casting on. I do the thumb method because it’s the only one I ever learned. And I hate how loose it is;… Continue Reading →

Yessir, Yessir, Three Bags Full

My favourite LYS (and I mean super local) celebrated their 2nd Year Anniversary this weekend. Back in March, my sister gave me a gift certificate to the LYS for my birthday. So, gift certificate in hand, boyfriend in tow, I… Continue Reading →

Knitting for Luke

Michelle recently posted about her friend’s 7-year-old son who has an inoperable tumor on his brain stem. His name is Luke and he’ll be going in for radiation treatment soon. Michelle wanted to knit him a lovely blanket, but of… Continue Reading →

Lattice Facecloth

When you (avid knitter and blog-visitor) saw this post title, you were thinking, “Yay! Some honest to goodness knitting content! Finally she has an FO to show off!” I’m sorry; you are wrong. I merely wrote up a pattern that… Continue Reading →

Bunny Update!

Before I left England I actually managed to finish the Easter Bunny. CW’s Grandma and mum helped me out and those were the ears we decided on.

Bandit Bunny has Ears Stolen

We went over to CW’s Grandma’s earlier today and she helped me work on my Cuddly Bunny. CW’s mum was there too and we all agreed there are some weird things about the pattern. For one, we didn’t like the… Continue Reading →

Not to jinx myself… but…

I’m knitting a cuddly bunny. This yarn just screamed Easter, and I know that I’ve missed Easter but shut up I don’t care. I wanted to use it to knit those Easter Eggs too (I have the pattern that Michelle… Continue Reading →

Finally a Finished Knitted Object!!

You thought I knit? You thought right! Haha…. I admit I am a slow knitter, and I definitely like to be motivated and inspired by what I’m making. The unfortunate thing is that I don’t like to start new projects… Continue Reading →

Knitting Daily in a Box

I was reading my Knitting Daily Newsletter and as my internet slooooowly loaded the content, I began to think about the title. Do you put yourself in a Box? Now, if you’ve read the newsletter you’ll know that it’s about… Continue Reading →


Chan inspired a contest at Gnat’s Bark N’ Knit. All it takes it a little comment about how you and your significant other met/fell in love/knew it was meant to be. Win some knitting fiction! (Thanks for pointing this one… Continue Reading →

She actually knits?!

You thought this was a knitblog didn’t you? Well to be honest, it never began as one… back in 2001… on a different blog/server/name. But when I started getting back into knitting properly… I think it was mid-2005, and then… Continue Reading →

“For someone who likes knitting, you get awfully angry with it.”

CW said this to me as I was getting upset at the stupid increases and decreases. 1. I can’t increase on a purl row. I just… don’t know how. The knit into the back of the stitch method doesn’t work… Continue Reading →

Rip (x8) and Re-Knit

Yes, you read correctly… times 8. For any non-knitters, the term “rip” or “frogging” is used whenever you unravel something you’ve knitted. It’s often called “frogging” because you ‘rip-it, rip-it’… and if you pull quickly enough, the stitches coming apart… Continue Reading →

My First Toque!

WordPress Converts: Welcome to WP, Jessi and Cass! (Cass even has a reroute to her blog now too). [Edit: And Chan moved to WordPress too!!] FO: Chunky Cabled Hat. I’ve never knit a hat before, but I thought I’d… Continue Reading →

Knitting with Chelle

Yesterday, Chelle and I met at Three Bags Full for a KnitDate. She was so sweet and bought me “Going Away Yarn” – she is allergic to all animal fibers and told me to pick something cushy that she couldn’t… Continue Reading →

Christmas in November

I gave my friends their facecloths that I knit, and the handmade soaps I bought at Granville Island. I really wanted to order Sharon’s Soaps but unfortunately I’m on a time constraint that the postal service wouldn’t be able to… Continue Reading →

Traction for Felt Clogs

Instead of attaching the suede soles as recommended by the pattern, I painted the bottom of the slippers with this lovely-toxic-smelling plastic paint. (Suggested by the lovely ladies over at the KR Forum.) I used “PlastiDip” which is for the… Continue Reading →

Progress on the 10 Foot Scarf

At the Knitting Meetup Monday night, I just kept knitting the blue ribbed scarf for my sister. Destination: 120 inches (10 feet) After 1 skein: 45 inches Monday night: 57 inches (see photo) The Math: 120 – 57 = 63… Continue Reading →

Finished Clogs

Here are the clogs for my dad all felted and shaped. I stuffed the clogs full of plastic bags to shape them while they dried. I must give a huge thanks to momslake on the KR Forum… she helped me… Continue Reading →

Meetups & Patterns

Guess what guess what guess what! I’m almost done my first pair of Fiber Trends Felt Clogs! Look look look! I just have to felt them! On Sunday I went to meet some other Vancouver Knitters at Calhoun’s in Kitsilano…. Continue Reading →

Knitting and Kitty

Pretty much the day after I posted the Garlerlac Dishcloth, I finished it. Then I had to photograph it with my cat. I also wanted to share a story about my Henry. He and I have a very special relationship… Continue Reading →

Finished Facecloths (or almost)

The pattern, called Janet’s Tea Pot by Rainy Kimbrough, can be found here (with many other patterns). Facecloth #2: Have I mentioned lately how much I hate largely-variegated yarn? I absolutely hate schizophrenic colours! So I went looking for a… Continue Reading →


Evan got home from Europe last Thursday (and his birthday was yesterday). He came over Sunday after work and I gave him his Birthday/Christmas gift since I won’t be here for Christmas. And he brought me souvenirs from London. The… Continue Reading →

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