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Category Knitting

Snowflake Cloth

I designed this suuuuper simple Snowflake Dishcloth. The one I knitted was a little too rectangular for my taste, so I added about 4 rows into the pattern (rows 6 & 7) so the snowflake itself is still symmetrical. Everyone… Continue Reading →

What I’m Up To

What does the end of 2007 hold for my knitting needles? I joined the Christmas Knit-along, hosted by Michelle of InsanKnitty. I also made a button with the bauble I made from Jean Greenhouse’s Christmas Knits. CW’s Grandma PC gave… Continue Reading →

Anne’s Untitled Dishcloth & Contest II

I finished the second dishcloth for Anne’s (The Bag Lady and the Pro) contest. I am so excited that it didn’t do any horrible pooling of colours. Pattern: Anne’s Untitled Dishcloth II. My name for it: Waves Why: Not just… Continue Reading →


So I haven’t blogged in a couple days because I just got a job as a temp! Oooh kinda-not-really-exciting. Holiday knitting is not going well. But holiday plans are on a roll. I’m going to be booking my ticket to… Continue Reading →


This is ironic! I was at the Vancouver Knitting Meetup at Our Town Cafe… and discussing with Chelle how I wanted my invite now. She mentioned that they were doing another blitz-invite and to check. It actually came at 6:59am… Continue Reading →

FO: First Foray into Felting

Since it’s a secret who I’ve got for the Tea Swap… I’m going to show you my Felted Coasters! This is the first time I felted anything (by accident or on purpose). The pattern I found for felted coasters was… Continue Reading →

Facecloth Central

Here is the finished Earthtones Facecloth in a Ribbed Pattern. I knit it on 5mm (US8) straight needles. I used Bernat Handicrafter Ultrasoft Cotton (Made in Canada!) in “Country Sage”. I used the pattern on the label, “Simple Ridge Dish… Continue Reading →

Slippers and Facecloths

Finished the slippers: Also bought a bunch of cotton yarn from Michael’s. On the KR Forum, it was suggested that I look for either Sugar N Creme or Peaches N Creme. The lady at Michael’s told me they’d just had… Continue Reading →

ONE slipper

Some might remember my blue booties that I posted about… they are my favourite slippers because we have hardwood floors. But they’re not too tight like socks… and not too thick like proper slippers… yet they are getting thin. I… Continue Reading →

Knit Knit Knit

A few weeks ago, I bought my first pair of bamboo needles. After knitting for a while with some bulky yarn, I’ve decided that they have a nice feel, but they aren’t quite smooth enough for me. I’d want another… Continue Reading →

Eyelet Capelet PDF

So this is related to the post of my FO: Eyelet Capelet. If you remember, I made the pattern myself… so now that I have Dreamweaver on my computer and I just bought Fetch… I put the PDF up at… Continue Reading →

Knit… Virtually and Realistically

FO: Eyelet Capelet FO = Finished Object in knitting lingo… and the Eyelet Capelet is my own design! I was originally knitting the Spiderweb Capelet from Stitch N’ Bitch Nation… but I screwed up drastically (accidently cast on 190 sts… Continue Reading →

I Have Never… for knitters

Green for stuff you’ve done, Blue for stuff you are planning to do, Magenta for stuff you wish you could do one day… or would be interested in trying, Strike-Thru for stuff you’d never want to do… or normal if… Continue Reading →

Henry killed the snake

I knit Henry a snake by mother’s request. He loves it. As soon as he met it he killed it with his claw and teeth and marched into the kitchen carrying his conquest in his mouth. I believe that he… Continue Reading →

Knit on, Granny!

It may have taken me a long time, but I finally finished it. I’m especially proud of the picot edge on the holly leaves. Sometimes I didn’t know what I was doing; I watched a video of picot edging online… Continue Reading →

Creative Me

I will knit what Grandma Pat taught me. I will knit baubles, dolls and tea cozies. I will learn to quilt. I want to make myself a quilt; I sort of wish I’d gotten Monique to teach me. I want… Continue Reading →

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