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Category School

The Book Review that Never Was: The Shallows by Nicholas Carr

This was an assignment for a student-led magazine at my university that was published out of the department’s student union. Unfortunately, this issue (Spring 2012) never saw publication. When I inquired as to the publication date, I was continually told… Continue Reading →

The Article that Never Was: Modernizing Copyright In Canada

This was an assignment for a student-led magazine at my university. It published out of the department’s student union. Unfortunately, this issue (Spring 2012) never saw publication. When I inquired as to the publication date, I was continually told that… Continue Reading →

NewsWatch Canada: Top Under-Reported Stories of 2011

I know the blog has been nearly deathly quiet this month, but I have a good reason: university. I’ve been reading a lot and studying and keeping up with papers, presentations, and various deadlines. Part of life as a Communications… Continue Reading →

University Reading List (Fall 2011)

As I’ve mentioned, I’m back to school this fall. I’m doing my BA, majoring in communications. I’m attending Simon Fraser University and they have a specific requirement that you take a certain number of credits outside your major. So this… Continue Reading →

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