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Everlasting Impact

Dewey has been gone a couple months now, and I’m sure it still affects James (her husband) every day, but who knew that it affected the movie crew of Neil Gaiman’s Coraline?! Take a couple minutes to read James’ post… Continue Reading →

In Our Thoughts: Dewey

Dewey, of The Hidden Side of the Leaf passed away last week. She was a new blogfriend, prolific reader and reveiwer, amazing blogger full of creative energy, and the founder and organizer of Weekly Geeks, the Bookworms Carnival, and the… Continue Reading →


Marina sent me a link to this blog post about graknitti — knitting graffiti! I’ve heard about this being done to lampposts, but this article talks about all manner of objects being graknittied!

Book Review :: Getting the Girl by Susan Juby

Do any other readers have trouble at the beginning of a book establishing the speaker’s gender? I always seem to immediately assume the speaker is a female — but Getting the Girl by Susan Juby is narrated by Sherman Mack,… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Pay it Forward & Paying it Forward Contest

I’m sure you’ve all heard about “Paying it Forward” either the movement, or the foundation. Maybe you’ve seen the movie, read the book (like me), or even participated in a knitters PIF. Well, I recently finished the novel by Catherine… Continue Reading →

Fresh Blackberry Pie

On Sunday, before CW and I came back to Vancouver, we went blackberry picking in the back fields at camp. We nearly filled two peanut butter jars full of fresh berries and when we got home, I made pie! I… Continue Reading →

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