It’s been a long while since I participated in Booking Through Thursday, so here we go! How do you feel about illustrations in your books? Graphs? Photos? Sketches? As long as they relate to the text and illuminate it in… Continue Reading →
I suggested a question for Booking Through Thursday back in March when I saw an article online: “2 out of 3 Britons have lied about the books they’ve read“. I am flattered to have another question of mine chosen for… Continue Reading →
I missed last week due to crazyness, and I haven’t blogged much this week just because I haven’t felt the desire too. However, both last week’s and this week’s Booking Through Thursday questions were great, and I’d love to share… Continue Reading →
It’s a week or two later than you’d expect, and it may be almost a trite question, but … what were your favorite books from 2008? This is a really difficult question for me because I always forget what I’ve… Continue Reading →
I receive a lot of review books, but I have never once told lies about the book just because I got a free copy of it. However, some authors seem to feel that if they send you a copy of… Continue Reading →
Every so often I see a great question and suggest it to Deb at Booking Through Thursday. Well this week, I’m famous! And I made Literary Feline famous too! Monica suggested this one: Got this idea from Literary Feline during… Continue Reading →
What was the most unusual (for you) book you ever read? Either because the book itself was completely from out in left field somewhere, or was a genre you never read, or was the only book available on a long… Continue Reading →
Autumn is starting, and kids are heading back to school–does the changing season change your reading habits? Less time? More? Are you just in the mood for different kinds of books than you were over the summer? Great Booking Through… Continue Reading →
I’m not really feeling into talking about terrorism/villains/evil things that happen in the world because it just doesn’t seem appropriate. Also, to be honest, I read books and fiction so I can get away from real life. So I’m going… Continue Reading →
Whether you usually read off of your own book pile or from the library shelves NOW, chances are you started off with trips to the library. What is your earliest memory of a library? Who took you? Do you have… Continue Reading →
Okay, so I haven’t been “into” the last couple of Booking Through Thursdays; yesterdays was about the Olympics/sports, which I’m not exactly into. I like watching some events but I think I’ve watched a grand total of 30 minutes; last… Continue Reading →
What are your favourite first sentences from books? Is there a book that you liked specially because of its first sentence? Or a book, perhaps that you didn’t like but still remember simply because of the first line? I don’t… Continue Reading →
Do you buy books while on vacation/holiday? Do you have favorite bookstores that you only get to visit while away on a trip? What/Where are they? Yes — I bring books on vacation to read. I bring books nearly everywhere… Continue Reading →
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