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Tag canadian book

Book Review :: The Old Brown Suitcase by Lillian Boraks-Nemetz

The Old Brown Suitcase narrates the story of Slava and her family as a Jewish family living in Poland during the Second World War. The story details her childhood, a war-torn Poland, being forced into the Warsaw Ghetto, having to… Continue Reading →

Unfinished Books

I have a confession, I can’t finish these books! I am just not feeling into them. I normally don’t read more than one book at a time, but I couldn’t get into one, so I put it down and started… Continue Reading →

Excerpt from Barnacle Love

After posting my review and thoughts about Barnacle Love, I thought how I first felt hearing about the book. I thought, “okay, sounds interesting, but what’s so good about it?” And by the end of the book, I could answer… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Barnacle Love by Anthony De Sa

I wanted to read this book because the author, Anthony De Sa, is a Canadian and the book got shortlisted for the Scotiabank Giller Prize 2008. Unfortunately it didn’t win, but it was an interesting read. Barnacle Love is about… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Y in the Shadows by Karen Rivers

Y in the Shadows is the second book in the XYZ Trilogy by Karen Rivers. The story followed Yale, a socially awkward girl with distant, child-like parents, and no real friends. After an embarrassing incident at a gymnastics meet, she… Continue Reading →

Freedom to Read Week


Book Review :: Flight of the Hummingbird by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

Flight of the Hummingbird: A Parable for the Environment is a very short, but powerful book by local BC artist and writer, Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas. This book came into work, and it’s one of my bosses favourites this year. We… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: X in Flight by Karen Rivers

X in Flight is the first installment of the XYZ Trilogy by Karen Rivers. “X in Flight” centers on the lives of three intriguing teens. Xenos (“X” for short) will never be a normal kid. And it isn’t his looks… Continue Reading →

The Flying Troutmans by Miriam Toews (book review)

Hattie has always had to take care of her sister Min to some degree. So when Min falls of the deep end of depression again and is checked into a physciatric ward, Hattie returns to Winnipeg, Manitoba to take care… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway

I can definitely see why The Cellist of Sarajevo got longlisted for the Scotiabank Giller Prize. Through a series of characters, the reader is shown various aspects of the seige of Sarajevo. The scariest part of this book? I was… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson

I was so excited to get to read this book. I’ve been hearing about it all over blogs, it’s been popping up in my book radar (out and about) constantly. I only knew that it was about a burn victim… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Getting the Girl by Susan Juby

Do any other readers have trouble at the beginning of a book establishing the speaker’s gender? I always seem to immediately assume the speaker is a female — but Getting the Girl by Susan Juby is narrated by Sherman Mack,… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: First Time by Meg Tilly

Meg Tilly’s new book, First Time, is directed towards reluctant teen readers. The book is small (just over 100 pages), and the font is fairly large (probably 12pt Arial). The story however, is not for a younger reader, it’s geared… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: For Now by Gayle Friesen

I almost didn’t pick up this book becasue both the title and cover were unappealing for a YA novel.* However, I’m really glad I did. For Now is an interestingly written first-person account (by Jes) of a “blended” family —… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah

This was an amazingly written story of Ishmael’s childhood in Sierra Leone. It really opened my eyes — I didn’t realize that child soldiers, hopped up on drugs and other things, were forced to fight and kill just to stay… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Forage by Rita Wong

To be honest, I’m not much one for current poetry. I’m more into the 17th century literature poetry… but Rita Wong is a good writer. Some of the poems I had trouble following, but several of them are responses to… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Conceit by Mary Novik

Conceit by Mary Novik is a fictional novel that takes place in 17th-century London during the time of John Donne. The novel follows the story of Donne’s daughter, Pegge, as it explores the magnificent yet lewd poetry of “Jack” Donne… Continue Reading →

Book Review :: Porcupine by Meg Tilly

Porcupine by Meg Tilly is a YA Novel following the story of Jack (Jaqueline) and her younger brother and sister, Tessa and Simon. After their father is killed by “friendly fire” in Afghanistan, their mother falls to pieces and stops… Continue Reading →

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