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Tag leanne prain

I’m in your tree, covering it in yarn

Literally. Today was the day — the official yarnbombing of Joy Kogawa’s cherry tree. I contributed about 100 blossoms and arrived this afternoon to help install the yarn blossoms (and bark!) on the tree. The executive director of the Historic… Continue Reading →

Cherry Blossom Yarn Bombing Prep

A couple months ago I saw a tweet from Leanne Prain, one of the authors of the book Yarn Bombing: The Art of Knit and Crochet Graffiti. The tweet linked to the yarn bombing website and said they were organizing… Continue Reading →

Yarn Bombing

A recent topic around town has been yarn bombing with the upcoming release of Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain’s new book, Yarn Bombing: The Art of Knit and Crochet Graffiti from Arsenal Pulp Press. Well I was lucky enough to… Continue Reading →

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